What is taleggio? It is a delectable Italian cheese which manages to combine an egg-yolk richness with a winey astringency. In short: yum.
Here is a very quick recipe: pull the stems out of large mushrooms, fill the caps with olive oil and a dab of tarragon vinegar. Cover with slices of taleggio. Bake the mushrooms. Enjoy.
I'll add another taleggio recipe later.

Meanwhile, I want to give you some advice about buying taleggio.
First of all, buy it. And eat it.
Secondly, the best deal on taleggio is currently at Tesco’s. This fine supermarket sells small (200g) blocks of the cheese in proper paper wrapping (no sweaty plastic here, thank you) for, currently, £10 a kilo.
By comparison, Sainsbury’s charges a very reasonable £11.50 and Waitrose north of £16.
The reason I want to tell you about this is because Tesco’s has a special 3-for-2 offer on certain cheeses. Including taleggio.
Go and buy some. Now. And I'll give you that other recipe.